Monday 22 April 2013


Part of Linkup Bridge Group as a form of development we produce monthly newsletters for the Raymond Ackerman Academy for Entrepreneurial development. In these newsletters we share various business knowledge; from different sectors and some info that they might find helpful on their journey to building their businesses.

It is our pleasure to share some of the stories and give these youth individuals a platform to shine.

Inspired to write

It is not daily that you meet a young man from Soweto passionate about meditation and love; driven to find inner self and ultimately a balance between his inner self in relation to his outer environment. An introvert who took his life experiences and turned it into a book that many can relate to.
                                                          Meet Nceba Flekkies.


What defines me?

It is a bit hard to give a definition of who I am because there is so much life energy in me and it is always moving, it is never static, it is so dynamic that I cannot grasp it and reduce it to words, however people who have come close to me and gotten to know me personally always say that I’m humble, thoughtful & kind, so I guess these are words that define me.

In your life journey what has and still motivates you?

My passion for life motivates me. I am so passionate about life and its mysteries. The pains and pleasures of life motivate me to get up every day. I take life as a journey so every day that comes and goes I know that my purpose is manifesting. I matriculated in 2003 after struggling for two years to get my matric certificate, and after that I worked doing some odd jobs here and there to make ends meet. I worked at Clicks; Zoto’s Pty Ltd a construction company, Capital building and civil construction company, Kaye Eddie Estates (as security guard) & lastly Pick ‘n Pay. All of these jobs have contributed in the journey of my life...and the journey still continues.

Love plays a major role in my life which motivated and inspired me to write my first book. I believe that love can be a mirror that reveals whom one truly is which makes it a very insightful phenomenon to explore.

 How did you get into writing?

My passion for writing developed back in 1998 when I was in high school. English was my favourite subject because we got to read stories and poems as part of our lessons, which did inspire me to what to write my own poems yet never got around to doing that due to distractions. Then in 2004 I started seriously getting into it to the point were I joined a poetry club and we shared our writing. That is how I became a writer, but most of my writings were poetry until now with this first book.  

As a soon to be published write, which books and authors inspire you?

Meditation: the first and the last freedom- Osho, The Alchemist- Paulo Coelho, Things fall apart – Chinua Achebe, Why is God Laughing– Deepak Chopra and Four legs of the table – Raymond Ackerman. Most of my readings are by Osho, he is a great influence in my life.

 How has RAA influenced your  life

I was in the second cohort of the programme and the journey was very educational. I’ve always had an entrepreneurial spirit in me lying as an undercurrent. I always wanted to own a business, but this was always because I just wanted to be rich. Going to RAA, I learned that making money should not be the primary concern for any business to prosper. Passion for the business and consumer sovereignty should be at the top of the list for any business owner. That is the most valuable lesson I learned at RAA and will take with me to the grave. After RAA I worked at Pick ‘n Pay and worked there for three years. Eventually I felt that I learned enough at Pick ‘n Pay and it was time to pursue a business venture with King Makhubele of which I will talk about once all the pieces fall into place.

 About the book

The book title is, Love: the road to heaven, the road to hell. The book is semi-autobiographical of my true experiences mixed with wild imagination sprinkled with hints of magical realism. The story is an account based on my experiences with love: the joys, the pain, the confusion, and the hidden feelings that manifest themselves because of love. The story is based on a man called Musa who’s experiences with love drive him first to near insanity and then to personal enlightenment. The scenes  are mainly set in Pick ‘n Pay Southgate where I worked, my home in Dube and surrounding areas.

GoalS for the book and required support

I have already found publishers for the book and I have a 100 presale contract with them. The name my publishers is Strategic Book Publishing and Rights Agency. The contract requires me get 100 people to order the book and then production and marketing will commence. It also stated on the contract that should I not be able to reach 100 sales within six months of the functioning of the website the contract will be terminated and the individuals who have already placed the orders will be refunded. The six Months will end on October 2013.

If you got a passion for reading about love and personal growth then please make that order by visiting


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